Sunday 26 November 2006


Got a walk this morning...that's two days in a row!!! Met some very unpleasant canines this morning. First of all there were two Jack Russells where the yappy dog lives and they were rude, then I met a lab and she growled at me, (I could understand why as she was chained up outside while her people pigged out on breakfast in the Ranges, I would have stayed and calmed the situation but Wendy didn't think it was such a good idea) and then on the way home I saw the two JRs again and the Yappy Dog. Now I don't mean to be breedist but really these dogs need some serious attitude adjustment!

We had a bit of a run today, poor Wendy on her silly two legs couldn't keep up...and I don't mean to be unkind but maybe she should join me on the Royal Canine "light" diet (if you know what i mean!).

Well, I've got some serious sleeping to get through.

Bye for now


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